Recruitment is difficult, and we know that good sales people are even harder to identify. Sparkling personalities and glowing CVs can easily hook you in and 6 months down the line, when you aren’t achieving your revenue, you are left wondering where it all went wrong. You may even convince yourself, that they just need more time. Before you know it you have wasted 6-9 months on a bad hire and then have to spend time and money again re-hiring.
Our recruitment screen is what sets us aside from all the recruiters out there. Anyone can send you candidates that are interested in your role… you don’t want just "interested candidates,” you want candidates that come with an assurance that they will achieve your results.
Our recruitment process includes a unique evaluation tool that accurately predicts the candidates ability to sell in your business with 96% validity:
Almost 2 million evaluations completed globally providing data sets that astound
Can be used by your own recruitment team OR have us do all the work for you
No more interviews where you are fooled by a glowing CV and charming personality
Say goodbye to the hiring mistakes that cost your business time and money
Get sales results quicker by hiring people who are capable and who come with a comprehensive insight into any training requirements
Only interview people that can sell successfully saving you time and money.