Sales Leadership training
The Sales Leadership Success Program course, is a blended learning program designed to help Sales Managers and those in staff leadership roles to understand the principles, strategies, sales processes and mindsets of managing successful sales teams.
Next Level Coaching
Role Clarity and Hidden Sales Culture
Hiring Great Salespeople and Renumeration Plans
Leadership Fundamentals
Coaching and Mentoring
Building Upon Sales Team Talent
Self - Discipline
“A year ago Gary asked me the question: ‘had I ever had training for the role as sales manager’! It made me think, here I am leading a team and I am meant to be coaching and developing people that have been in sales longer than myself, and I had never had the training! I guess at times I felt intimidated by powerful personalities and was guilty of being an easy target by the excuse makers.
The course went completely hand in hand with the In-house Sales Coaching journey and incredibly fell into place with every challenge that I had through the year. This included team member personal wobbles about the changes we were implementing, powerful 1-2-1 meetings when staff needed all the support they needed and strong performance management when underperformance set in. Personally if I had not had the training the In-house Sales Coaching program it would not have been half as effective.
We feel that we have come out more focused, stronger and with a knowledge of how to effectively manage people in sales. This means that knowledge has made me more sure of the ground we’re on when challenged by strong personalities and not be moved from what we know works. We know exactly where we are going and how to get there and will not be deterred from striving for our objective. We feel more prepared to deal with the challenges our sales people face and how to ask questions to get answers and never forgetting to look inwardly first to see how my actions and behaviour are impacting my team.”