This is a message that went out yesterday from The Entrepreneurs Circle of which I am a Certified Coach. I thought I would share it with you as you may find it useful to implement at these challenging times.
With the latest lock down news and all the fear and uncertainty that surrounds it, it’s important that you keep a check on your thoughts and actions.
It’s very easy to slip into victim mode, pity parties and “woe is me” this will not drive your business and your team.
There’s a saying in nautical circles that ‘a smooth sea never made a good sailor’.
The gist, of course, is that you only get good when you have challenges to deal with.
And that’s the same in every worthwhile walk of life.
Including yours. Right now.
Yes, what’s happening is completely out of your control
Yes, it’s natural to feel anger and frustration.
Despite all the restrictions that Boris announced you have a lot more say than you realise about what happens next in your story.
And your story is the only one that matters.
Right now, today, this week, this month, is your time.
It might not feel like it – but it is.
This is your moment to control the controllables.
To focus on the things that you can do something about and fight with every sinew of your being not to get dragged into the ‘woe-is-me’ pit of misery and despair that is enveloping the country.
The Shipping Forecast for business owners everywhere is “Violent Storm Force Warnings” which means you’re about to find out how good a sailor of your business you are.
I know it won’t be easy.
I know that there’ll be dark times ahead. For all of us.
But you can rise to this challenge. You can find a way through; a way that actually strengthens your business.
Here are some steps you could (should!) take this week:
1. Get on the front foot with your communication...
This is not the time to go quiet on your customers. They need to hear from you. And your messages need to be positive. Don’t fuel the misery train.
2. Think creatively...
For instance the new rules say that ‘Non-essential retail can remain open for delivery to customers and click-and-collect.’ Now that’s gonna present challenges but it’s also a great opportunity to galvanise your community behind you, to put out a super-positive message about ‘supporting the little guy’.
Control the controllables. You don’t have to miss out on all the lost sales in November – and once you start selling online your catchment area could expand massively.
This may not be appropriate for your business but is it for your customers? – Help them, support them give them ideas – you may be the pick me up they need to save their business.
3. Remember marketing is a NOT a non-essential spend...
If you shut down your activity here you’re effectively giving in. The lockdown is going to mean more people browsing online, with more time to look, watch and consume. Ad costs will almost certainly drop again as the stupid businesses vacate the field.
I saw a picture recently that made me smile… the caption asked “where is the best place to hide a body so it can’t be found?” the answer was “On the second page of google as nothing there gets found!” can your customers find you?
4. Be in front of your customers as often as possible...
Many are going to be stuck at home and consumption (of your messages) will lead to sales.
5. Phone your customers…
Radical eh! Seriously, reach out. Reassure them. Help them. Their lives are probably full of just as much uncertainty as yours. Be there for them. Get on the front foot. Proactively nurturing a relationship is one of the most valuable things you can do in business. Show them you care.
6. or send them a video email
Miles better than an email to people that know you. Control the controllables.
7. Skill up...
Use this time to do the things that you KNOW you need to do. Get your marketing sorted. Get your Knowledge Centre sorted. Fix Google My Business. Sort LinkedIn. And then use it properly. Get Re-marketing set up. Understand your numbers. Train your team, upskill their questioning techniques, practice with roleplay, reassess your customer profiles. Come out of this stronger
Control the controllables.
Look, I’m not pretending that the next few weeks are going to be anything other than hard.
And it’s likely that the pain will continue beyond the end of November. That’s just how it is – and you don’t have any say over that.
But you (still) have way more control over what happens to your business and that business of your customers than you realise.
And this stormy sea can be the making of you.
Objective Assessment is here for you.
Use us. Lean on us.
There’s so much support here for you.
You’re not alone – and together you can – and will – prevail.