2 weeks ago I launched a special offer on sales training through our partners UBT. I decided to do the special offer given the way that selling has changed during this Covid 19 period.
It all started when Joanne & I ran a Sales Clinic Workshop in late October designed to help sales people adjust to this new environment. We had over 50 companies book in to the clinic and we asked participants to send us in their biggest sales challenges prior to the clinic so that we could address them during the workshop. It was amazing the number of challenges and questions that participants submitted. What was more amazing was how similar they all were.
Getting customer/prospects to take Zoom meetings with you
Engaging with prospects via Zoom
Having good conversations when you aren’t face to face
Getting commitment from customers via Zoom or the telephone
It was like salespeople had forgotten how to sell. They had become so used to doing their ‘Milk Runs’ that they didn’t know how to ask great questions or build tension and found themselves lost trying to sell remotely. What an eye opener it was.
So, I decided that I had to find a way to push companies into retraining their sales team for this new and challenging environment. That’s when I came up with the 3 for 2 offer. Put 3 people through our sale straining for the price of 2. While I expected to get a strong, positive response to this offer, there was a much more important impact that I hadn’t anticipated; fantastic conversations with business owners who thought that training would solve all of their sales problems.
Let me explain. Many of the CEO’s and Sales Managers that responded to our offer wanted to talk with me about our training. We discussed their challenges and what they wanted the training to achieve but the more we got into these conversations, the more I saw that sales training was only part of the solution to, what were, much bigger problems. These conversations started to flesh out what the real underlying issues were and the more we talked the more we were able to see what needed to be done. What was amazing was the excitement of the business owners once we gained an understanding of what needed to be done and making the decision to do it.
“Cause & Effect are never related in time and space” – It all started with making a special offer on sales training and what I ended up doing was having some of the best sales strategy conversations with some really motivated business owners. You never know what will come out of a great conversation.
Give me a call if you’d like to talk about making changes.
Gary Delbridge